Expanation of Umpire signals: A guide by Arif Patel from Preston

Explanation of Umpire signals: A guide by Arif Patel from Preston

Umpire’s DecisionExplanation
OutUmpire raises his index finger to indicate that the batsman is out and that they should leave the field.
FourBy waving their hands from the left to right in front of the chest, four runs are scored.
SixRaising both index fingers above their head indicates that six runs have been scored.
ByeThe umpire raises one hand with the palm open above their head.
Leg ByeThe umpire raises one knee and touches it.
One ShortIf a batsman runs a short run, then it is signaled by tapping their shoulder with their fingers.
Wide BallBy stretching both hands horizontally.
Dead BallBy crossing and uncrossing both hands below the waist.
No BallBy stretching a single hand horizontally.
CancelThis is signaled when a batsman is not ready and the ball is bowled. It is shown by crossing both hands and touching the shoulders.
New BallThere are often times situation when the ball is changed. A new ball is suggested by holding the ball with a raised hand and showing it to the players.
Penalty RunsIf a team or a player indulges in any misconduct, then penalty runs are awarded. This is done by touching the shoulder with a hand to give penalty runs to the bowling side. If the hand is tapped, the runs are awarded to the batting side.

Umpire Signals in Cricket


Unlike other team sports, the captain plays a very important role in cricket. They are .responsible for all that is happening with their team on the ground. The coach can only plan outside the ground. On the field, it’s the captain who makes the calls

By Team AP

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